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QPS Contacts

Central Registration


Registration takes place at all school sites and Central Registration (for families needing translation assistance). Parents should pre-register new students for Grades K-12 for the 2021-22 school year by selecting the appropriate link below. Parents will be contacted by the school or Central Registration to complete the registration process.





Family Liaisons: QPS has family liaisons working at Central Registration to help English Learner families with the process. Family Liaisons Details


School Committee


The Quincy School Committee consists of six members elected by the citizens of Quincy, the Mayor (who serves as the Chair of the School Committee), and the Superintendent of Schools, who serves as the Secretary of the School Committee. The purpose of the School Committee is to establish policies and make decisions based on educational philosophy and goals, the most crucial of these being facilitating the optimal learning experience of the children enrolled in the Quincy Public Schools. Please check the calendar for the School Committee and sub-committee meeting dates. The Teaching and Learning sub-committee meets every month and all other sub-committees meet every quarter. The meetings can be viewed LIVE and the recordings can be accessed on the LINK.


View current Quincy School Committee Members here.


To participate in Open Forum, interested parties may submit written statements to:

Special Education


Special Education is a service designed for students who have disabilities that affect their ability to make progress in the general education setting. The Quincy Public Schools Special Education Department has the privilege of helping students with unique abilities, struggles, and achievement levels to reach their fullest academic potential.


I.T. Issues​


For issues related to technology, such as Chromebook help or Aspen password regeneration, please click on the link below:




Please contact the transportation department of QPS for any school bus query:


To request bus transport please fill the below form: â€‹


To check the bus routes please click the below link


School Nutrition

All Quincy Public Schools Nutrition information, including meal application, events, promotions, blog, and menus, can be found on the QPS website. Please click on the link below for more information:


For meal eligibility please visit:




The mission of the Quincy Public Schools Health Services Team is to promote, protect and enhance the health status of all students. Please click on the link below if you have any health-related query:




The afterschool programs are privately run and not affiliated with the schools. They may use school space but have their own rules and guidelines. The following entities provide afterschool services in Quincy:



Last update: January 29, 2025

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