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Resources: EDI/DEI, Bullying & Volunteering

​EDI Subcommittee


The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Subcommittee will no longer meet separately from the Citywide PTO. Established in 2018 to address equity, diversity, and inclusion concerns, the subcommittee's role has evolved as the Citywide PTO has adopted a more intentional approach to integrating EDI discussions into its regular activities. EDI topics will now be included in the monthly Citywide PTO meetings, promoting a unified and efficient approach to addressing these issues within the QPS community. Grace Young-Jae has joined the Citywide PTO Executive Board as both treasurer and EDI Lead. Each school is requested to continue designating an EDI representative to participate in Citywide PTO meetings, ensuring ongoing engagement in citywide EDI initiatives and discussions.


EDI Officers​


  • Grace Young-Jae, EDI/DEI Lead



EDI Meeting Dates 2024-2025

The meetings will be combined with Citywide Meetings. The dates can be seen under the About tab.








​Bullying Resources


What is Bullying?


Bullying is defined under Massachusetts Law (M.G.L. Chapter 71, section 370) as  the repeated use of written, verbal, or electronic communication or physical acts or gestures that:

  • Causes physical or emotional harm to the victim

  • Damage to the victim’s property

  • Places the victim in reasonable fear of harm

  • Creates a hostile environment at school for the victim

  • Infringes on the rights of the victim at school; or

  • Disrupts the education process or the orderly operation of a school


Bullying is the repeated use by one or more students or by a member of a school staff, including but not limited to, an educator, administrator, school nurse, cafeteria worker, custodian, bus driver, athletic coach, advisor of an extracurricular activity, or a paraprofessional of a written, verbal or electronic expression or a physical  act or gesture or any combination thereof, directed at a victim that:

  • Causes physical or emotional harm to the victim or damages the victim’s property

  • Places the victim in reasonable fear of harm or damage to his property

  • Creates a hostile environment at school for the victim

  • Infringes on the rights of the victim at school

  • Materially or substantially disrupts the education process or orderly operation of a school.




If your student is being bullied please report to the principal or their designee. 


Reporting Forms


QPS Online Reporting Forms  I  Printable Paper Form


Bullying FAQs, QPS Presentation & QPS Resources 


FAQs  I   QPS Bullying Presentation   I  QPS Resources


Volunteering at PTO events/ Schools



School PTOs wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for the help of families in our local community. The PTOs are always looking for volunteers to help in any way they can. The PTO offers numerous volunteer opportunities to contribute to the school community. All parents/guardians who wish to volunteer or chaperone at school activities that include the potential for unmonitored contact with a student other than their child are required to complete SAFIS, CORI, and SORI checks before volunteering in the Quincy Public Schools.


Examples of activities that require SAFIS/CORI/SORI checks include but are not limited to:

Volunteering at school book fairs

Chaperoning field trips Volunteering at field day activities

Volunteering at school end-of-the-year activities Chaperoning movie nights


Volunteers should assume any activity involving students will require a background check. Please contact your school principal for more information regarding the SAFIS, CORI, and SORI requirements for a specific event


Parent/ Guardian Volunteering Information 




CORI: Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI)


SAFIS: Statewide Applicant Fingerprint Identification Services (SAFIS)


SORI: Sex Offender Registry Information (SORI)







Last update: January 29, 2025

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