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About Citywide PTO

Citywide PTO (also known as the Quincy Citywide Parents' Council) is the only city-wide group of parents/guardians in Quincy that advocates for the achievement and delivery of a quality equitable education and experience for every student in Quincy Public Schools (QPS).


Mission & Purpose​


Our mission is to advocate for the achievement and delivery of high-quality equitable education for every student in Quincy Public Schools (QPS).​ Our purpose is to represent the collective voice of parents/guardians across the city, and to bring that parent/guardian perspective to QPS administration and members of the Quincy School Committee.






  • Create a safe environment for QPS parents/guardians to discuss the QPS system. 

  • Host informational presentations on a variety of topics.

  • Brainstorm ways to improve the experience of students and parents. 

  • Offer recommendations on QPS policies, proposed policy changes, and annual budget.

  • Raise awareness of problems or concerns faced by QPS students and parents/guardians.  

  • Advocate for open communication at every level of the school system.

  • Request information from QPS.

  • Providing the opportunity for individual school PTOs to work collaboratively and share resources and best practices.




We do not charge membership dues or fees. General membership is considered to be every parent/ guardian of a current QPS student. We strive to ensure at least one parent from each QPS school is in attendance at our meetings and is involved in group discussions.


Executive Board and Citywide Officers


Executive Board members, along with Citywide PTO officers, comprise the leadership of the organization. Any interested general member in good standing may ask to join the Executive Board. The Citywide officers are elected with voting at the end of school year. The officers are responsible for running the meetings and maintaining the Citywide Facebook page and website.


Citywide officers for the year 2024-2025 are:

Jill Leth Sabin and Kate Campbell- Copresidents

Grace Young-Jae -Treasurer

Gina Favata - Co-Secretary

Shiv Singh- Co-Secretary.


Important Announcement EDI Subcommittee 2024


The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Subcommittee will no longer meet separately from the Citywide PTO. Established in 2018 to address equity, diversity, and inclusion concerns, the subcommittee's role has evolved as the Citywide PTO has adopted a more intentional approach to integrating EDI discussions into its regular activities. EDI topics will now be included in the monthly Citywide PTO meetings, promoting a unified and efficient approach to addressing these issues within the QPS community. Grace Young-Jae has joined the Citywide PTO Executive Board as both treasurer and EDI Lead. Each school is requested to continue designating an EDI representative to participate in Citywide PTO meetings, ensuring ongoing engagement in citywide EDI initiatives and discussions.



Citywide PTO hosts monthly meetings during the school year. All QPS parents/guardians, teachers, administrators, and interested community members are welcome. Any person in attendance may speak on any issue, however, only parents/guardians of current QPS students may cast a vote.


Citywide PTO Meeting dates 2024-2025

The meetings will be virtual from 7pm to 8pm.on Monday.


September 16th

October 21st

November 18th

December 9th -(rescheduled from Dec 16th)

January 13th

February 10th

March 17th

April 14th

May 19th

June TBD











Last update: February 10, 2025

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